Forb Species

White Flowered Forbs

To learn more about a particular species, click on the name of one of the images to get directed to a species info page.

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* Note: Species that have the asterisk (*) next to the name on the photos above indicate that the author is in the process of providing identification details and more information about that particular species.

Please note that ALL SPECIES are currently under construction, with new photos (and captions) being added to. Check back regularly to see what’s new!

Major Group: Dicots

Family: Apiaceae

(Carrot & Parsley Family)

*Spotted Water Hemlock
(Cicuta maculata)

*Cow Parsnip
(Heracleum maximum)

*Water Parsnip
(Sium suave)

Family: Asclepiadaceae

(Milkweed Family)

*Oval-leaved Milkweed
(Asclepias ovalifolia)

Family: Asteraceae

(Sunflower & Aster Family)

*Common Yarrow
(Achillea millefolium)

*Tufted White Prairie Aster
(Symphyotrichum erocoides var. ericoides)

*Small-leaved Pussytoes
(Antennaria parvifolia)

*Creeping White Prairie Aster
(Symphyotrichum falcatum var. falcatum)

*Tufted Fleabane
(Erigeron caespitosus)

*Douglas Aster
(Symphyotrichum subspicatum)

*Scentless Chamomile
(Tripleurospermum inodorum)

Family: Brassicaceae

(Mustard Family)

*Collin’s Rockcress
(Boechera collinsii)

(Thlapsi arvense)

Family: Caryophyllaceae

(Chickweed Family)

*Blunt-leaved Sandwort
(Moechringia lateriflora)

*Long-leaved Chickweed
(Stellaria longifolia)

*Long-stalked Starwort
(Stellaria longipes)

Family: Cornaceae

(Dogwood Family)

(Cornus canadensis)

Family: Fabaceae

(Peavine & Milkvetch Family)

*Cicer Milkvetch
(Astragalus cicer)

*Cream-coloured Vetchling
(Lathyrus ochroleucus)

*Narrow-leaved Milkvetch
(Astragalus pectinatus)

*White Sweet Clover
(Melilotus alba)

*White Dutch Clover
(Trifolium repens)

*White Prairie Clover
(Dalea candida)

*Late Yellow Locoweed
(Oxytropis monticola)

Family: Geraniaceae

(Geranium Family)

*Wild White Geranium
(Geranium richardsonii)

Family: Lamiaceae

(Mint Family)

*Wild Bergamot (White)
(Monarda fistulosa)

Family: Onagraceae

(Evening-primrose & Fireweed Family)

*White Evening-primrose
(Oenothera nuttallii)

Family: Parnassiaceae

(Grass-of-Parnassus Family)

(Parnassia palustris)

Family: Polemoniaceae

(Phlox Family)

*Moss Phlox
(Phlox hoodii)

Family: Ranunculaceae

(Buttercup & Anemone Family)

*Canada Anenome
(Anemonastrum canadense)

Family: Rosaceae

(Rose & Cinquefoil Family)

*Wild Strawberry
(Fragaria virginiana)

*White Cinquefoil
(Potentilla arguta)

Family: Santalaceae

(Sandalwood Family)

*Bastard Toadflax
(Comandra umbellata)

Family: Violaceae

(Violet Family)

*Western Canada Violet
(Viola canandensis)

Major Group: Monocots

Family: Amaryllidaceae

(Amaryllis & Onion Family)

*Prairie Onion
(Allium textile)

Family: Asparagaceae

(Asparagus Family)

*Canada Mayflower
(Maianthemum canadense)

*Star-flowered Solomon’s Seal
(Maianthemum stellatum)

Family: Melanthiaceae

(Bunchflower & Camas Family)

*White Camas
(Anticlea elegans)

*Death Camas
(Toxicosocordion venenosus)